Sunday, December 25, 2005

Pan Plays

Pan plays his mischevious tune and probably mischeviously designed the yellow thingy in the background. Dont`t ask me what its meant to be.
I was going to wait till it was finished and go back and have a look, to see how it fitted in.
But you know me! a mouth crammed with feet.
Could it be?
1. a structure
2. a homage to the song`s "Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree" or that wonderful old John Wayne standard that we all sang in the back courts many years ago "She wore! She wore! She wore a yellow ribbon"
3. Built in the wrong place
4. a replacement bright yellow doulton fountain thats screams to the tagger, paint me! paint me! I like this one.

Its meaning is bound to be filled with architectural irony, it is after all quite an old architectural idea which seems to be getting pummeled to death these days for want of better ideas.
I hold my baited breath!


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