Sunday, December 25, 2005

Doulton Details. The trappings of Empire

First we have South Africa, land of the free or was it voor!


Next we have Canada, full of those pesky French and disenfranshised Scots, well those that survived the crossing.


Next up! The Indian sub-continent. They gave us polo and on our way out we gave them a border dispute. Good old Lord Louis Mountbatten and his trusty pen, I bow before a superior map maker!


Last but not least its the biggest island in the world, Australia. We used to send the bad guys there! Nowadays it appears to be becoming a bastion of staunch racism, if you want to learn how to become an even better racist then look no further than Australia. Landless Scots and Irish were also sent there during the potato famines, with a wonderful article in the London Times (of the period) extolling their virtues, still ringing in their ears.


A homage to the gallant troops of empire, the future fodder of the Somme!


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