Sunday, December 25, 2005

Up the Misty Mountain

I have been dying to fit the above title in all day.
Glasgow City Councils new money spinning venture (what you thought it was moved for its own safety!) is as they say "fair coining it in".
The apparent miracelous recovery and trancendental movement (I mean who actually saw it move from its previous location to where it is now) is driving people from all corners of the globe desperate to chuck hard earned cash into the fountain for good luck.
It has been rumoured that a three legged woman from Mongolia, spontaniously grew a fourth after throwing in a ten pence piece.
It has got to such a fever pitch, as you can see, that the council have installed security to keep an eye on the dosh that gets chucked in.
I can verify its efficency, a voice boomed out requesting that I get out of the fountain outer perimeter, that I had been captured on camera and I was only taking photos!
What would have happened if I had tried to grab a handful of wet dosh, would a death ray have emanated from the rather sinister Cupola dome at the top of the Peoples Palace and fried me to a crisp.
All I can say is watch out Lourdes!


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