Saturday, July 02, 2005

G8 Golf Tournament?

Found this post while looking around the net, if this is true its weird!

Before you do anything else, go here LIVE 8 LIVE, and sign the petition, make your voice heard, stop fear and poverty!

Then head for Gleneagles, Scotland, I have heard that there is a marvelous round of golf to be had!
Apparently there will be a celebrity politician, golf tournament to raise money for world poverty, what a wonderfully good spirited gesture on the part of these important and busy world leaders.
There is meant to be a web site somewhere, where one can donate to the teams playing, but I have been unable to find it.
If anyone does, let me know!


Kindurco said...

Is that not the next leg of the Capitalists versus the Anarchists?

Trouble is the Anarchists don't follow the rules

but then again
the Capitalists keep changing the rules to suit themselves don't they!!

Anonymous said...

Socialist nonsense!

When Poverty has been made history in this country and them the uSA, THEN you can waste our money on the DICKtators of Africa.
They must have been laughing their heads off at these idiots on Saturday, the hypocrytes who earn more than you or I do in a year in a few seconds.
here's an idea, why do they not embrace true socialist principals and take a working mans wage of say, £40,000 a year and give the rest to Africa, but of course that will not happen will it!